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PyPy uses utf-8 internally for unicode strings. Such a better idea than 4-byte characters (py2) or 1/2/4-byte (py3)

Local council election campaign is hotting up: the Independent is ex-Conservative, and the Conservative is ex-Labour. At least the Lib Dem candidate is the normal one! Leaflets: (Upload your leaflets too!)

Life on Earth started almost immediately after it cooled, but it took 2bn years - half of Earth's history - before photosynthesis arrived. Shortly afterwards we got multicellular life. Energy from sunlight was the difficult bit.

The 50-Year Newspaper: "What would happen if, instead of us getting news updates multiple times a day, what if we only got news updates every 50 years? Things would look really different."

A pentaquark is a particle made of 5 quarks. The has been investigating the most common arrangements of the quarks inside it.

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It's local election time in some parts of the UK. Find out who your local candidates are:

I'm sure you're all aware of William Shatner's singing career. If not, today's your lucky day

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"Remember: If it's not ISO 8601, it's not a date, it's just hanging out"

Home made pizza. Secret ingredient: Lloyd Grossman Tomato and Basil sauce. Yeah, it's supposed to be for pasta, but it works really well as a tomato sauce here too.

h2g2bob boosted

Sharks are older than trees. 🦈

The first plant species which can be considered a real tree is known as Archaeopteris, and it evolved about 350 million years ago.

The first sharks evolved 50 million years before that!


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Driverless vehicle news: Circle Line trains are fully automated between Hammersmith and Latimer Road.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!