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h2g2bob boosted

The #StopBrexit petition will now actually be discussed in parliament, recognising the huge number of signatures it has received.

Please sign the #RevokeArticle50Petition if you haven’t already done so, and you are a UK citizen who doesn’t want #Brexit to happen!

To watch the numbers without overloading the site, use

Re-potted a blueberry plant, which is picky about needing acidic soil (ericaceous). Mixed elemental sulfur with some compost: bacteria slowly convert the sulfur into sulfuric acid, making it acidic.

The reassuring voice of Scott Manley talks about rocket fuel and Ignition! by John D. Clark

h2g2bob boosted

Returning to #drawing after a long break. Skipping the rest of the gel pens chapter as the prompts weren't inspiring me. Next chapter is "About Town" in pencil and black pen.
First up: a bicycle.

h2g2bob boosted

UK remainers: Sign this petition to revoke Article 50, because at this point we need to do *everything* we can to stop this shambles, and though they're usually ignored, it's worth a few seconds. Also it's at over 600k sigs and climbing fast - maybe it won't be so easy to ignore this time:

review: A Fire Upon The Deep by Verner Vinge. Reads like a timeless sci-fi classic, with lots of space given to showing off the world and its ideas. But it's also well paced and builds up to be a proper page-turner by the end.

h2g2bob boosted

here at the TelcoSecDay of I'm learning that in 2019, SS7 firewall/IDS products use a ten year old kernel (2.6.32) and are vulnerable to IP fragmentation bypass which are at least 20 years old. Is that the state of cellular security, OMFG!

Something wrong with the phone mast? No encryption, rejecting handsets, not advertised by other masts? SnoopSnitch is an android app which will tell you about it Full list:

The crossing points at ate where collisions happen, and they're surrounded by detectors. But which important direction has no detectors?

h2g2bob boosted

Shadows of the ancient ridge-and-furrow cultivation system appearing during the 2018 UK drought. Found this while mapping for @openstreetmap.

I'm in Seville! There is sunshine, seville oranges and seven-hundred year old buildings. ☀

briefly landed on (and shot at) an asteroid so that it could collect bits of asteroid to bring back to Earth.

Stayed up so late I met the milkman. Seemed nice, happy to see someone.

"After a short pause, the entire room, with a large proportion of lawyers in the audience, *giggled*, a sound that can only be described as chilling, then applauded"

h2g2bob boosted

I was about to start my machine when a man suddenly appeared in the lab.
"I come from the future," he said.
More people appeared as he spoke.
"Are you here to stop me?" I asked.
"No, to witness."
Proud, I turned back to my machine, then heard a whisper:
"This bit is hilarious!"
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

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