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h2g2bob boosted
h2g2bob boosted
The recording of my "Browsers biggest TLS Mistake" lightning talk at #37C3:
h2g2bob boosted

Tis the season to reflect on my 20% project from my Google days!

"Santa Tracker Tales: Nearly crashing Google's servers, Leaking Santa's data, and Angering an entire country"

h2g2bob boosted

🆕 blog! “Electricity That's Too Cheap To Meter”

Nuclear power was sold to the world as a safe, clean, and economically viable source of electricity. We were told that it would be "too cheap to meter"1. Even the most ardent proponent of nuclear power will have to admit that hasn't come to pass. Construction costs for nuclear power stations are dwarfed only by […]

👀 Read more:

#electricity #environment #solar

h2g2bob boosted

New boundaries have been published for the 2024 General Election. I've taken the Local Election results and applied that to the new boundaries

h2g2bob boosted

Well this is a mess. I'm glad I haven't used my main email address for any apple related stuff, but I'm sure I have silently lost messages from people because I don't use messages on Mac at all

@wjt I think the Internet Archive already has copies of these books, but you can double-check with

Otherwise, donating to charity shops is a great idea - apparently they make a profit even if the book gets recycled

h2g2bob boosted
h2g2bob boosted



Open Science!

Huge Patient Datasets.... but with Privacy Protected!

Vast National Infrastructure Projects... but created by a Small Squadron of Vikings!

Epic Battles for Clinical Trials Transparency... but with Happy Endings!

Data... but with Mawkish Moving Stories about Colleagues and Family!


h2g2bob boosted

British wind turbines produced a record 21.81GW of power between 9:00am and 9:30am this morning. Over the past 24 hours wind turbines have supplied 61.7% of our electricity needs. Live data can be seen on my site at

h2g2bob boosted

Matt Gray is Trying: Line Marking

I knew this would require some skill and practice, but wow. The people who do this day in day out are so good!

Thanks to Total Line Marking for letting me come over and ruin their car park!

h2g2bob boosted

Please donate to @internetarchive to stand by your library.

100Petabytes and growing-- building a record of our time for us all to enjoy.

If it's all getting a bit much, watch the nice, calm video of a model railway from that nice Tim Dunn

h2g2bob boosted

Today is the 250th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. I only learned *this year* that the Great Bengali Famine of 1770 was a precipitating factor in the protest, and so I collaborated with my historian colleague, Dr. Robert Martello, to share the globe-spanning story of colonialism and corporate power that we think should be much more widely known.

h2g2bob boosted

This is a 100% serious request: Does anyone have access to a ground-penetrating radar we could borrow?

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h2g2bob boosted

We’ve just published a detailed analysis of how libel firm Carter-Ruck acted for OneCoin, a massive cryptocurrency fraud. The evidence is reasonably clear that Carter-Ruck were reckless in choosing to act for OneCoin and how they acted. They missed obvious signs of fraud. That had serious consequences.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!