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h2g2bob boosted

They’ve figured out the secret of ancient Roman concrete’s durability! And it’s really cool!

h2g2bob boosted

Open source software is free and enables people to do great things with it. This is the #opensource software/data I've been using to create maps, process images, make animations etc. related to #NASA's #Mars2020 mission:

#Geogebra :
#ImageMagick :
#QGIS : https :
#Stellarium :

@kevinmgill's and @stim3on's flats:


The infrastructure that keeps the modern world going: a local telephone exchange

h2g2bob boosted

Just as "serverless" means you are using more than one server, see "driverless" “They will have two members of staff on board.
A safety driver will sit in the driver's seat to monitor the technology, and a so-called bus captain will help passengers with boarding, buying tickets and queries.”

h2g2bob boosted

Our first Bleak Weekend was a great success. I can thoroughly recommend staying in a motorway service station for a weekend #WeekNotes

h2g2bob boosted

🗳️ Local elections are taking place across England and Northern Ireland this May.

🙋 8,519 councillors are to be elected, the largest number since 2019.

📝 Nominations for England close on 4 April. Our volunteers will be collecting these over the following days and publishing them for voters on

👀 Get the full details and find out how you can volunteer for democracy on our blog! ⬇️

h2g2bob boosted

This is MADNESS.

"The UK government will defy scientific doubts to place a massive bet on technology to capture and store carbon dioxide in undersea caverns, to enable an expansion of oil and gas in the North Sea."

Carbon capture/removal techniques (which don't even work yet) are not an excuse to keep burning anything. They're utterly pointless until we have decarbonised everything else as much as we can. Renewables are already cheaper & better - there's no contest.

h2g2bob boosted
h2g2bob boosted
h2g2bob boosted

I've ported 10print,, to Unix shell:

The classic C64 one-liner

10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10


yes '╱ ╲' | awk '{printf $(1.5+rand())}'

The loop has become implicit, in what is essentially a pair of endless coroutines.


Clocks go forward tonight in the from UTC to BST. It's all well planned in the uk, but some other timezones have horror stories:

h2g2bob boosted

Gordon Moore was not only the co-founder of Intel and the namesake for Moore's law, the claim that every two years the number of components on a chip double, he was also, together with his wife Betty Moore, one of the donors who made Wikidata possible. Gordon and Betty Moore were known for their philanthropy. Gordon Moore died today at the age of 94.

Thank you for enabling us to make Wikidata happen.

#Wikidata #GordonMoore #Intel

Getting leaflets from political parties in the UK this weekend? Photograph them and upload them here:

h2g2bob boosted

I'm really enjoying this episode because Melvin Bragg is so clearly following a set of notes to keep up with the mathematicians, which is very different from an episode about English Literature. It's not quite in the "why are you physicists so keen on rubber sheets" area, but it's close
In Our Time: Paul Erdős

Episode webpage:

Media file:

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