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h2g2bob boosted
h2g2bob boosted

Boy #3 showing off an important feature of the calculator he definitely needed for his A Level maths studies

h2g2bob boosted

If you installed a Linux system with disk encryption more than a couple of years ago, there's a decent chance it's using a weak key derivation function and someone who cares enough would be in a position to brute-force it. has more details and instructions on how to update to a better KDF.

To vote in the UK, you now need photo ID.

Check you have valid ID by applying for a Voter Authority Certificate: the questions check if you already have valid ID. Not all ID cards are valid.

If you need a Voter Authority Certificate, it's free.

I used my phone to take a photo of myself in front of a white-ish wall. It was accepted for the voter certificate (and rejected in my passport renewal).

The certificate itself is paper and A4 size.

h2g2bob boosted

In the April edition of Highways Magazine I ask for a reinvigoration of national research projects, with an independent commissioning body. We're missing out on spreading good practice.

The digital edition is free as ever.


h2g2bob boosted

in an uncertain world, take comfort in the routinely reliable mundanity of functioning sewers.

h2g2bob boosted

Good news! Avian flu housing order to be lifted 18th April! (England and Wales)

h2g2bob boosted

Chrome just opted you into a load of ad tracking bullshit. Don't forget to go in and turn it all off, if you're a #Chrome user.

A great analogy of the chaos of cell biology. "Some of the hammers have screwdrivers or saw blades poking out of the back of their handles…"

h2g2bob boosted
h2g2bob boosted

Happy Easter. Here’s an article where I interviewed the first programmer to ever hide an Easter Egg in software way back in 1968:

h2g2bob boosted

Newspeak House in that London are looking for resident fellows for their next cohort! If you're interested in tech and making things less bad, think about applying! Scholarships available:

h2g2bob boosted

New update for my "learn-morse" website.

New features:
- Both morseToText and textToMorse lessons now
- Better styling (still very minimal though!)
- Minor lesson scheduling changes which let you focus on fewer new cards at a time

h2g2bob boosted

Now that WebGPU is shipping(!), I want to share some thoughts on the API.
Please note that as an editor of the spec, I'm literally as biased as you can get. So take my words with a massive grain of salt, but my intent is to encourage people to try the API for themselves, not accept my opinion verbatim. #WebGPU

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!