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SSH keys - a comparison of rsa and ed25519. My understanding is that both are about equally secure: while ed25519 is more secure against known attacks, it is newer so more likely to have unexpected breakthroughs.

Scientists know neutrinos switch between three different weights. A new experiment is looking at whether there's an even weightier fourth neutrino.

Been playing with the Pocket Operator, a tiny synthesizer designed to record and play back simple loops. Very easy to make something that sounds good, even if (like me) you're not very musically talented.

Time Bandits. It's a Terry Gilliam film, so every scene is more elaborate and amazing than the last. An adventure!

h2g2bob boosted

hackathon, covid-19 

my first impressions of the #WirvsVirus hackathon:

* it's scary that ethics doesn't play a huge role in the majority of projects
-> many participants consider to code software that tracks people being infected/that traces infection routes/that shows areas with the highest infection rate (I don't want to see software that tracks people based on illnesses like ever... that just feels icky and messed up and fucking dangerous)
* there's a majority of "let's throw tech at a social problem that cannot be solved with tech but we're doing it anyways" folks
* there's barely a discussion on security (like when you're working with data that includes the health status of someone or, on a more basic level, any personal, non-public, data... that should be a top priority!)
* Makers DIYing critical medical infrastructure without including the safety standards into their scope. "Hold on, have to debug my Arduino" is an appropriate sentence for LED strips, not for vital stuff like respirators.

@vancha is shoutcast still going? Wikipedia says proprietary, but I'm pretty sure it's a tcp socket which spews mp3 as soon as you connect.

Old episodes from the podcast have conversation mixed in, but are amazing and worth listening to.

Otherwise jamendo (as others said), or

Big changes planned with psycopg2 (or psycopg3), python's postgres database module. Adding async support, a nicer api for transactions and more efficient interaction with underlying c api.

Book recommendation: Star Trek Chain of Attack. I'm pleased to report this book is just as terrible as The Original Series on TV, and just as enjoyable. Highly recommend!

Our World in Data looks at Coronavirus: what's the mortality rate in healthy people, and how do you know if you have normal flu?

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!