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h2g2bob boosted

I got my flu jab at the weekend.

Flu looks to be doing some relatively big numbers already this year and a bad flu season is being predicted.

Probably time to book yourself that flu jab if you haven't done already.

The Boundary Commission have updated proposals for constituency boundaries which elect UK MPs.

In Southend, the left-wing city centre is no longer split, so Southend West will be a much closer contest. Without the city centre, Southend East becomes even more blue.

h2g2bob boosted

Diamond Geezer talks about pylons - featuring the amazing Open Infrastructure Map Not many pylons in London, but I've photographed the tallest.

As you put the clocks back tonight, remember that UTC doesn't stand for anything in French or English. It's a compromise where neither country got the acronym they want!

90s TV where two teams make ridiculous machines out of junk. Episode 1: aeroplanes. Amazing!

Steve Mould explains how petrol pumps turn off when the tank is full

1 in 80 people signed a petition requesting a general election.
1 in 400 are Tory party members.
Time for a general election.

Electricity standing charge for those on prepayment metres (ie: zero electricity use) is £187/year. Which is more than 5% of Universal Credit for under-25s (£3,184/year).

Tilting It Sideways: stories about hackers causing damage in the real world.

h2g2bob boosted


I have started to upload the old Linux Outlaws backlog to The Internet Archive. I can't promise a time frame to get all episodes up there, but I will give my best. Feel free to share with people who are very nostalgic for the past.


Canaletto is known for painting for aristocratic tourists doing the Grand Tour. But in The Stonemason's Yard, he shows a different view of Venice.

h2g2bob boosted

Today I went through the Channel Tunnel and started asking questions.

It turns out that the trains can dissipate up to 100 MW of energy (!) into the tunnel, so it has to be actively cooled by the largest refrigeration system in Europe.

Postgres is adding a "unique nulls not unique" index, which prevents duplicate nulls. Normally a unique index allows duplicates if any column is null, so duplicate values of (123, null) are allowed.

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