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Our World in Data looks at Coronavirus: what's the mortality rate in healthy people, and how do you know if you have normal flu?

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Clocks go forward on 29 March 2020. They also change in 2021 and 2022, but do not change in 2023.

Less meat is nearly always better than sustainable meat, to reduce your carbon footprint

Don't be confused by the '70s name and flowery shirt - this is 100% electronic music. Mostly laid-back and relaxing, with occasional strongly emotional tubes mixed in.

It's about time to plant Tomato seeds into propagators and on the windowsill. I recommend Midnight Snack, a cherry tomato with black fruit, which tasted great last year.

Next tuesday is shrove turesday, also known as pancake day. The origins of the festival is to have a big party and eat lots, before fasting during lent. Pancake recipe: mix 200ml milk + 100g plain flour + 1 egg.

National parties are part of europe-wide europarties, which combine into even broader groupings. The largest are centre-right EPP (25%), centre-left S&D (20%) and liberal Renew (15%).

If you know a website which is about to disappear... if no one else is uploading it to the Internet Archive Wayback machine... and if you can find them in the irc channel... maybe you can discover... The Archive-Team.

Most websites allow you to connect using the private and secure https protocol, but it's not always the default. HTTPS Everywhere makes it the default.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!