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Need more RAM? If only you could compress pages of memory... but you can! I use zram (apt:zram-tools) everywhere. It takes some of your memory, makes it a ramdisk with compression, and mounts it as a swap disk.

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The modern Linux equivalent to .zip is .tgz, and it makes me happy that the program which makes them still supports -L, an option which lets you change the reel of magnetic tape part way through. has a list of all recent ssl certificates which appear in the certificate transparency logs.

Epic music: playing Mega Man 2 while Bit Brigade play the soundtrack

It's Early Harvest, when farmers harvest corn and celebrate the first loaves of bread from this years harvest. It's also a good time to collect blackberries and other wild berries

TCP keep alive works by re-sending the previous ack, even though no more data has been received. There is normally no response for ack packets with no data, but for keep-alives servers respond by also re-sending the previous ack.

Europe's Galileo global positioning system had 5 days downtime earlier this month. The satellites were fine, the issue was with the support on the ground. Current status:

It's a great time to read Sustainable Energy Without The Hot Air, an easy to read book asking if/how we can stop using fossil fuels. There are great ballpark estimates, which make the huge numbers instantly understandable. Free pdf.

LightSail 2 will be unfurling its solar sail on Tuesday. The crowdfunded spacecraft plans to accelerate by reflecting sunlight off the solar sail.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!