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h2g2bob boosted

The tories want to close almost every railway ticket office in England.

Here’s @JenOnTheMove and friends laying down why it will absolutely wreck our railways, and why its about much more than just tickets. 😡

h2g2bob boosted

Our IdenTrust cross-sign is set to expire on September 30 of next year. This will affect any Android devices still running old versions of the OS (currently 7.5% of all). Learn more in our blog post:

h2g2bob boosted

- Will you print these three pages for me?
> I cannot. For there has been An Error.
- Oh no, what was it?
> An Error.
- Can you accept a new print order for the three pages?
> Of course! I will get to that after the job that's already pending.
- Please delete that first job?
> It is important that you want to delete it, but it is more important that it has An Error, so no.
- What if I shut my computer all the way off and come back tomorrow?
> Oh! In that case you may have all six pages.

My phone runs e.os, which is without the apps. It works well - it comes with useful, interesting apps like MagicMaps, and provides access to FDroid and/or the Play store.

h2g2bob boosted

I've made a thing that helps you to make a printable template for a hexaflexagon, with your choice of pictures on each of the three faces:

You can take a photo with your camera, or upload a file.

#hexaflexagon #math #RecreationalMath

h2g2bob boosted

A scheme that I would look at if I didn’t already have a bike is Cycling UK’s “Making cycling e-asier”. They're providing free month-long e-bike loans in different parts of the country (inc Manchester). e-bikes are a real game changer when it comes to getting people into cycling and can replace a lot of car journeys.

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h2g2bob boosted

I've shared this before but it's been a while and probably was on twitter, so it's worth a re-share

A lot of people don't know that `diff` (and `git diff`) have a several algorithms to choose from

They have various tradeoffs, mostly around performance vs readability & semantic accuracy vs overall diff size

For manual/visual diffing, I generally prefer 'histogram’, as it tends to be a closer representation of what *actually changed*

Here's a nice writeup


h2g2bob boosted

The government are closing the most of the ticket offices at uk stations, seemingly regardless of how busy they are.

This probably includes your local station:

This is bad for staff, who have a year before being sacked.

This is bad for customers, who are left on their own to navigate the UK's notoriously complex ticketing system.

There is a petition against this:

The government are closing the most of the ticket offices at uk stations, seemingly regardless of how busy they are.

This probably includes your local station:

This is bad for staff, who have a year before being sacked.

This is bad for customers, who are left on their own to navigate the UK's notoriously complex ticketing system.

There is a petition against this:

h2g2bob boosted

Today in 'blast from the past' ... What's the Carbon Footprint of burning a cow in Minecraft?

(excellent work from @floppy back in 2011 that demonstrates the power of APIs, automatic carbon calculation and fun. Still as relevant today as it was then.)

h2g2bob boosted
h2g2bob boosted

🚨🚨🚨 Exclusive report: the scheme that ripped off £50m in tax incentives, the people responsible, and the eminent tax KC who said it was just fine. 🚨🚨🚨

Part 1 - the outrageous scheme, involving splitting a business into 10,000 companies, and hiring 10,000 random Filipinos as "shareholders" and "directors" (when really they were just globe puppets)

h2g2bob boosted

We've talked of booting Linux off of APFS some day, which would be cursed enough... but I raise you booting Windows off of btrfs.


h2g2bob boosted

New report: how the Post Office gagged postmasters by falsely claiming its settlement offers were confidential.

Our report here:

h2g2bob boosted

TFW a file format is so old that it includes an "insert paper tape this way" arrow as part of the header: Looks like this traces back to the PDP-11.

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