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h2g2bob boosted

To vote in the UK, you now need photo ID.

Check you have valid ID by applying for a Voter Authority Certificate: the questions check if you already have valid ID. Not all ID cards are valid.

If you need a Voter Authority Certificate, it's free.

I used my phone to take a photo of myself in front of a white-ish wall. It was accepted for the voter certificate (and rejected in my passport renewal).

The certificate itself is paper and A4 size.

h2g2bob boosted
h2g2bob boosted

This year, #OpenStreetMap will turn 20 years old! 💪
How are you going to celebrate it? Are you looking for ideas? Do you have suggestions?
OSMers are starting to brain storm what we could do over on the OSM forum:

h2g2bob boosted

The time_t is now.

Debian: 64-bit time_t transition in progress:

The goal of this transition is to ensure that 32-bit architectures in trixie (whether they are currently release architectures, or out of archive, etc) will be capable of handling...

h2g2bob boosted

🆕 blog! “A (tiny, incomplete, single user, write-only) ActivityPub server in PHP”

I've written an ActivityPub server which only allows you to post messages to your followers. That's all it does. It won't record favourites or reposts. There's no support for following other accounts or receiving replies. It cannot delete o…

👀 Read more:

#ActivityPub #fediverse #mastodon #php #Symfony

h2g2bob boosted

Monday morning read: The untold history of Barbie Fashion Designer, the first mass-market ‘game for girls’

lots of 90s game dev lore gems in it; feels incredible they pulled it off tbh

and, was it lowkey the first mainstream 3D printing game, too??

#gaming #gamedev

h2g2bob boosted

"The bottom line is that 'using Copilot' is strongly correlated with 'mistake code' being pushed to the repo."

Shocked. Shocked, I say.

h2g2bob boosted

If you'd like some wonderful bedtime reading that absolutely won't give you nightmares try this. It won't give you nightmares at all. nope.

h2g2bob boosted

Funny how file structures follow you around from decade to decade. I distinctly remember realizing I needed two separate drivers folders inside my software archive folder, because these things did not often come with differentiating filenames and the difference was crucial.

Have not put a file in the x32 folder since apparently 2012.

h2g2bob boosted
h2g2bob boosted

Google wird ab Februar 2024 seine Regeln zur Annahme von Mails verschärfen. Mailinglisten und andere sinnvolle Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten werden dann von gmail aus nicht mehr wirklich möglich sein.
Trennt Euch von Google, nutzt eigene Mailkonten.

Not enough people paying for on the desktop, says @LWN, and even reading the article about it is free.

h2g2bob boosted

📄 Candidate lists were published yesterday for the two UK parliamentary by-elections being held on 15 Feb.

🗳️ Voters in Kingswood (South Gloucestershire) have six candidates to choose from, and voters in Wellingborough (North Northamptonshire) have eleven candidates.

👀 Learn more about the candidates on WhoCanIVoteFor:

#byelection #ukpolitics #northamptonshire #gloucestershire @elections

h2g2bob boosted

Clip taken from The National Ferret School's excellent video on training ferrets for cable laying, of course.

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h2g2bob boosted - I blogged about how I embedded my Mastodon activity feed into my Wordpress site. If you're looking to do the same you might find this useful.


CC @popey

h2g2bob boosted

Chengdu worldcon Hugo nomination statistics suggest the 2023 Hugo awards were rigged:

I've also seen it alleged that the concom offered some attendees "special guest" treatment … and stole their Hugo voting rights in return, without telling them about that part of the "deal" first. (I will not cite a source on this until the attendee in question goes public.)

h2g2bob boosted

It's been *40 years* since #EmmanuelGoldstein launched the seminal, essential, world-changing *@2600: The #Hacker Quarterly*. *2600* wasn't the first #phreak/hacker zine, but it was the most important, spawning a global subculture dedicated to the noble pursuit of technological self-determination:


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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!