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Had a fun time installing Windows 98 in a virtual machine, for the nostalgia of it. Very thankful to whoever made tool which patches a memory cache invalidation bug - modern CPUs are faster but not as forgiving, causing shell32.dll to crash

h2g2bob boosted

"But no matter how enjoyable a gas car is at its best, it’s just not compelling for daily use. Compared to the status quo a gas car is inconvenient, slow, noisy, smelly, and dangerous."

h2g2bob boosted

Gotta remember to keep this handy. I'm always getting my eras and epochs and things mixed up.
#DeepTime #fossils #prehistory

A detailed expert report on AGPLv3's "if the Program … contains a notice stating that it is governed by this License along with a term that is a further restriction, you may remove that term" and Neo4j's additional "the License does not grant you, the right to Sell the Software" clause

h2g2bob boosted

🆕 blog! “Get Chartered!”

Computing is a comparatively young industry. We don't have hundreds of years of history, or secret societies jealously guarding our knowledge, or much love for hierarchy. This makes it difficult to progress in a world which values strict demarcations between people. There's an obvious and well documented path from Army Private to Sergeant. If you're […]

👀 Read more:

#bcs #CITP #ComputerScience

h2g2bob boosted

Eurostar say leisure travel is back to 100% of pre-pandemic levels & business travel 80-85%. But due to Brexit they can only provide 70% of pre-pandemic capacity. They've plans to resolve this including trialling online check-in, I've added a summary at

Want to run 32 bit virtual machines on amd64? You could specify qemu32 cpu – or follow this surprising suggestion

h2g2bob boosted

"Our Digital History Is at Risk" by me in Time Magazine

Free societies need access to history, unaltered by changing corporate or political interests.

This is the role that libraries have played and need to keep playing.

h2g2bob boosted

I appreciate that people with good/unlimited internet connections don't often care about the size of websites. But it does matter for both the environment and those on limited data plans e.g. my phone has 250MB/month and then have to pay 1p/MB above that.

I monitor UK local authority homepage sizes and, for each, list their biggest resources and give tips on what they could do Usually it is massive images that they could easily optimise.

The story that guinea pigs sold for one guinea (21 shillings) probably aren't true. But if they were, that would put the inflation adjusted price of a guinea pig somewhere between £180 (RPI since 1653) and £40,000 (based on the share of the economy). The coin itself is made of gold worth about £400.

h2g2bob boosted

⚠️ Update: Internet connectivity has fallen further in southern #Turkey and particularly in #Osmaniye as authorities implement emergency power shutdowns to support the rescue effort; levels collapsed in the region earlier today after a series of deadly earthquakes ⚡📉

h2g2bob boosted

Did some deeper digging into the Teletex protocol stack. So we have X.21 physical interface at synchronous 2400 bps with HDLC/X.75SLP as link layer and then T.62 as session and document layer. Interestingly, T.62 was also reused for G4 (ISDN) fax. Rather complex state machines, nothing you can implement in an afternoon.

@mattedgar lean in to the 1990s aesthetic: print it out on an inkjet, fill in (handwritten), scan to low-quality tiff, email or fax the result

The Natural History Museum used to sell huge lumps of rock, such as this Madagascan ocean jasper geode, for thousands of pounds

h2g2bob boosted

What's inside the famous 8086 processor from 1978? I opened up a chip, took microscope photos, and I'm reverse-engineering it. One of the 8086's instructions is HLT, which halts the processo Seems simple, but there's a lot of circuitry to make the halt instruction work... 🧵

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!