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Fed up with the election campaigns and useless politicians? You'll be even more fed up when the wrong one gets elected! Register to vote - last day Tuesday.

Here's a version of DontSplit with minimal branding and no noise, just the tactical voting recommendations. Suitable for embedding or linking or whatever.

h2g2bob boosted

Reading through spam messages on one of our wordpress sites, and all the spam messages are so positive!
it's just bots saying "thank you, great article", and "amazing read, thank you for your content". It's like people invent these bots to improve your mood or something :D

Tom Scott and Irving Finkel play The Royal Game of Ur, a 4,000 year old game

The Earth's Core contains a large iron crystal spinning differently to the rest of the Earth. But how could scientists ever work that out? In Our Time

Democracy Club is crowdsourcing information on the candidates for the general election, election leaflets, and everything else.

I run a site showing everyone else's tactical voting recommendations:

Where do people give conflicting suggestions? is a spreadsheet which shows the differences.

Podcast recommendation: 13 Minutes to the Moon. Tells the story of Apollo, with interviews and geeky details. Presenter Kevin Fong expands a 13 minute landing into about several hours of drama and excitement.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!