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h2g2bob boosted

Just discovered that our rustpython #webassembly build has better performance than our native build!! What a great time to be alive!

#rustpython #rust

h2g2bob boosted

finally I've released squashfskit which creates reproducible squashsfs images. #reproduciblebuilds

For the vegan in your life: fake cheese that really does taste like cheese

h2g2bob boosted

RT @defenddigitalme

@MoreThanScore @DamianHinds The SAT results (as well as KS1 and Phones tests) are sent for each child on a named basis, to loads of third party companies. They then profile each child using the scores. #MoreThanAScore @MoreThanScore #PlayNotTestsAt4 This is one company example.


h2g2bob boosted

Because of issues like it's a good idea to change make root inside the container have a different uid than root on the host.

h2g2bob boosted

Rocks on the lake Baikal get heated from the sunlight every now and then and melt the ice beneath. After the sun is gone, the ice turns solid again thus creating a small stand for the rock above. It is called the Baikal Dzen.

New version of PyPy got released - looks like improvements to gc and cffi

Planted onions and early carrots today. Delicious onion smell protects the carrots against pests. I should have planted the onions in December, but it was cold and I regret nothing. Next: tomato seeds into windowsill pots.

h2g2bob boosted

What do people do all day? For 20 random people in UK:

👶 Pre-school
👧👦👩 In school
🎓 In education
🍼 At home
🛏 Unwell
🏡🏠🏡 Retired
🚑🏫 In public sector
🔨 Self-employed
🏢🏭 Part time
💼🖊💻 In a office
🛠📦 Elsewhere

@domketley Fastmail looks like a good choice. You should be able to get a domain from anyone and set the MX record to, um, whatever fastmail tells you to?

Afaict, everyone who sells you a domain also does free dns hosting? Looks like gandi does:

I'm pretty sure mythic beasts and dreamhost do too

@domketley Oh, wow! Perhaps make a filter that matches everything and forwards it to a new email address?

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