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Been playing with the Pocket Operator, a tiny synthesizer designed to record and play back simple loops. Very easy to make something that sounds good, even if (like me) you're not very musically talented.

Time Bandits. It's a Terry Gilliam film, so every scene is more elaborate and amazing than the last. An adventure!

Book recommendation: Star Trek Chain of Attack. I'm pleased to report this book is just as terrible as The Original Series on TV, and just as enjoyable. Highly recommend!

Leeks! The only winter vegetable that hasn't died on me. Sow in March or April, harvest all winter. Makes a nice leek and potato soup.

Home-made Christmas decoration. If Dulux are wondering where their paint colour cards are, don't tell them.

Remember the old orange square hazard pictograms for toxic, flammable, etc? They got replaced by red and white GHS pictograms way back in 2008 (EC 1272/2008), but only fully disappeared in 2017. Standardization is great, but I miss the attention-grabbing orange.

19 October. Join me and up to one million friends in demanding an end to brexit.

Liquid chromatography in beer glass. Draw line in felt-tip 2cm from the bottom of kitchen towel. Place in 1cm deep water. Water carries felt-tip mark upwards. Chemicals have different friction from paper, so colours separate.

Wonder why your screws never go in straight? Make a pilot hole using pin punch and mallet first!

Home made pizza. Secret ingredient: Lloyd Grossman Tomato and Basil sauce. Yeah, it's supposed to be for pasta, but it works really well as a tomato sauce here too.

Re-potted a blueberry plant, which is picky about needing acidic soil (ericaceous). Mixed elemental sulfur with some compost: bacteria slowly convert the sulfur into sulfuric acid, making it acidic.

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